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from Overworked & Overwhelmed
to 6-Figure Freedom in just 8 weeks!

Image by Matty Adame
Image by Tanner Van Dera
Image by City of Gold Coast

What if I told you there was a way that you could add a $100,000 in revenue in the next 12 months...

without having to do this all alone,
without sacrificing your personal life, and
without spending every waking minute working.

The bottom line is this: there’s a system that will allow you to scale to 6-figures in revenue... without working 80 hours a week and even if you feel totally lost right now.

'a catalyst and an accelerator'

'far more cohesive and productive for it'

'the most transformational'

We turn frustration, exhaustion & isolation
into 6-Figure Freedom

In just 8 weeks, imagine having...

✓ A stand-out brand that makes you proud, even starting from scratch

✓ A laser-focused niche that identifies your dream clients and their dream outcomes

✓ A high-ticket offer that attracts your dream clients like a magnet, even if they don't know you

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There's nothing wrong with you. You just need a system. We build that system for you.

Does this sound like you?

  • Constantly questioning and doubting your ability to go it alone

  • Overwhelmed by all the things you believe you must do to succeed

  • Working harder than ever before without breaking past $4k to $7k months

  • Frustrated because you're seeing everyone effortlessly making it to 6-figures

  • Facing resistance from loved ones because of how much this takes out of you

Well, if any of that sounds familiar, then I actually have good news, because NONE of those things are the real problem.

The real problem is that you don’t have a system for scaling to 6-figure freedom.


And doing so without sacrificing your health and relationships.

I’m going to give you that system, right here in this video.

Moe Choice

Hey, I'm Moe

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I built successful businesses from scratch, raising $10s of millions in investment and revenues. I took 2 to scale and exit, and worked with some of the most famous brands in the world's biggest cities.

By 2013, I was burnout and deeply depressed. I decided to give it all up to become a solopreneur. After 7 years of exploration, discovery, and adventure, I am now living life on my own terms.

In 2021, I turned my focus to becoming a 6-figure solopreneur, and with discipline and focus, I achieved this in 2022.

My success was accelerated by working in groups with other solopreneurs - some hugely successful, some struggling, and everything in between - where diversity of thought, processes and systems helped me find my own path.

I now create tailored programmes to enable solopreneurs like you to achieve your own freedom lifestyle by doing what you love in the way you want to do it with the people you most want to be with.


This could be you...

Course Outline

21 steps to 6 figures

Image by Raimond Klavins

Module 1: Cultivate An Unstoppable Mindset

  • Create the framework for your new and improved identity

  • Identify the key principles for unbreakable alignment

  • Empower your beliefs with upgraded mental models

Image by Riccardo Annandale

Module 2: Identify Your Dream Clients

  • Align your position with your true purpose

  • Position yourself using your unique experience & expertise

  • Highlight your clients’ biggest challenges and how you solve them

Image by Austin Distel

Module 3: Optimise Your Packages & Pricing

  • Identify the precise dream outcome of your dream client

  • Decide on one core 6-figure product for rapid revenue growth

  • Create an effective lead magnet funnel for your high-ticket offer

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Module 4: Create A Stand-Out Brand

  • Select one platform to ensure every branding criteria is met

  • Present yourself to the world in a way that makes you proud

  • Develop a flawless system to master your digital marketing essentials

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Module 5: Adopt High-Impact Marketing Strategies

  • Create a customised attention-grabbing strategy to attract dream clients

  • Learn how to promote yourself effectively and scale your credibility

  • Cultivate consistent & continuous engagement with your audience

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Module 6: Implement A World-Class Sales Funnel

  • Implement your strategy to align your content with your lead magnet

  • Create a nurturing system that converts leads into high-ticket clients

  • Develop a system to automate and scale your sales process

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Module 7: Build Systems For Endless Scale

  • Explore the necessary tools for 6-figure success

  • Plan for the future with budgets, milestones and timelines

  • Subscribe & set-up to the tools that are going to scale you to the next level

Image by Jungwoo Hong

Module 8: Engage In Activities For Undeniable Progress

  • Cultivate the right habits, behaviours and tactics

  • Create your routine cycle for planning, action, and reflection

  • Embrace the principle of ‘next best step’ for accelerated progress

Solopreneurs are waking up energised and excited for the day, and going to sleep proud of their impact.

The 216 group course is for you if...

✓ You accept that you do not know enough to get to where you want to be

✓ You are open to supporting others and being supported by others

✓ You are ready to commit to intentional and meaningful action

✓ You are ready to be challenged in a transformational way

✓ You truly believe that the time is now

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The 216 comes with:

  • 8-week intensive course with live weekly Q&As

  • Your personalised online tracking dashboard

  • Ongoing systems and tech support

  • 12-months of progress reviews

  • Lifetime access to all content

  • Ongoing community support

  • Empowering workshops

Here's our proof of impact...

We're better together

People often ask why we prefer to run group sessions over 121s - let's leave it to the past participants to explain why...

"Meeting other people was unique; I could see that other people were in the same place as me."

"The interaction with the other collaborators was great; we worked together to create something individual that gave us value."

Proof of Impact


Frequently Asked Questions...

Business Owner

Who is this for? When you are willing to go alone, and take the risks necessary to create the life you want to live, on your own terms, this makes you a solopreneur by our definition. This course is for any artist, coach, consultant, creative, freelancer, practitioner, or digital nomad, who is ready to commit to building a 6-figure income in the next 18 months, and achieve their freedom lifestyle. As long as you are willing and open to being mentored by a 6-figure solopreneur, then you will benefit from this course.

How does this help me? This is about designing the right path for you to establish yourself by creating a strong personal brand, and a plan for how you’re going to position yourself in the market over the next 12 months. Then it’s about breaking down the plan so you’re taking intentional action and constantly reflecting on how to improve along the way. You will build the habits necessary to grow your audience and to engage them in a way that will entice them to buy what you have to offer, in a way that works for you. The 216 will give you the practical tools, the necessary accountability, and the right support to get you to 6-figures in a connected and accelerated way.

How was this course designed? The course has been developed over the past 2 years, from Moe’s real-life experience in becoming a 6-figure solopreneur. He has adapted the systems and processes of highly productive and successful entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, with mentorship from some of the world’s finest personal development minds. It draws on different techniques, including tools from Master Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Practical Psychology, Neuroscience, Sports Science, Design Thinking, Performance Management, Nonviolent Communication, Clean Language, Hypnotherapy, Agile Methodologies, the Kaizen Method, and Time Line Therapy. In this course, you will NOT find yourself witnessing a conveyor belt of people waiting for their turn to be coached one by one, or where there will be any extended Q&A activity. The course is designed to keep the sessions dynamic, flowing, and highly impactful for each and every person in the group, so that all participants create their individual plans and lay the foundations to live life on their own terms.

Why should I listen to you? Because in 2022, I achieved what you want to achieve right now. It is important to find the right mentors at the right time to help guide you. Mentors who have the life you want, and are only 1 or 2 steps ahead of you. No matter how great Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, or Simon Sinek are, they may be too far ahead in the game for where you are right now. Furthermore, I have lots of experience, resources and connections that you will be able to tap into based on 40+ years of life learning. After all, you have to live certain stories in order to tell them... 12x Cofounder & 6x C.E.O. 2x scale to exit & 2x bankrupt $Millions in investment & revenue 1,000+ hires from 50+ nationalities 500+ businesses supported 7,000+ hours of leadership delivery 6-figure solopreneur My personal commitment is to show you how to clearly identify who you want to be, how you want to get there, and what that looks like over the next 18 months. I will guide you to your own blind spots and hold you accountable to the values and principles that are the foundation of being a 6-figure solopreneur. I will be your biggest supporter, your personal advisor, and your direct truth teller as you discover - or rediscover - who you are meant to be and how you are meant to serve.

Who is this not for? You will be invited and required to show up fully. You will be asked to speak honestly, openly, and genuinely about what you see and who you want to be. You will be challenged, through masterful coaching that is both probing and provoking, in order to ensure you are uncovering your blind spots and letting go of any untruths. If you are easily offended or find it difficult to hear and hold multiple perspectives about the world around you - this one might not be for you. This is a course for truly open minded individuals who are able to work well with people outside their circle of influence, and want to build camaraderie in a challenging and creative environment.

What results can I expect? Aside from what is outlined above, we don't promise anything because this is about what you produce for yourself. We are simply here to guide you, using our own education from our own life experiences. We don't believe in shortcuts, magic potions, or "get rich" schemes - only in working hard, adding value, and serving others with quality and consistency. This course is intended to guide you to create the life you want to live, to make a difference in the world, and to wake up energised and engaged with what you do each and every day. This takes a lot of dedication and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavour, particularly around your continuous personal and professional development. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. First off, we do not know you well enough, and more importantly, your results in life are up to you. We are here to show you what we have learned ourselves, with some of the best content, direction, and strategies we have ever come across. All our products and services for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any statements contained on any of our promotional material were made by individuals who participated in our programme. We did not, and will never pay any consideration for these statements.

Do you have a guarantee? I back the strategies I teach 100% because I became a 6-figure solopreneur using them. And I did within the last two years. If you have completed the course and implemented the strategies properly without the desired results, then I am willing to explore what hasn’t worked and why, so that we can come up with a solution together. Please consider the challenging nature of this type of work, and the focus, discipline and consistency needed to become a 6-figure solopreneur, so you can purchase your place mindfully.

We appreciate this might not answer all of your questions, so please contact us if you need anything further.

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